A road well traveled.

I have been doing photography for over 40 years now.  From street shoots to studio shoots, desert to rainforest, mountain top to oceans on 6 continents and 16 countries . . . thus far.

During this journey I have shot with everything from the most basic and crude, a homemade pinhole camera, antique cameras built in 1917, "newer" cameras from the 50's up to the 70's and now currently a modern digital.

I used to buy my film in bulk roll of 100 feet and then create my own rolls and I developed it myself in the darkroom I built in the cellar.  Now I use memory cards and computer software to deliver the final product.

I started photography as a serious discipline when I was in Junior High School.  Back then it was a fully manual 35 mm film camera with a fixed lens. My parents intentionally chose that such that I had to learn to use my own eye and brain to get the picture and not rely on the camera to do the work.

From that experience I have learned the skills of recognition and composition in depth.  I see things where others don't.  People often ask me "Where was I when you took that picture?", they are always amazed when I tell them "Standing right next to me".

My eye is trained to see things that others overlook.  My body is conditioned to get in to postures and positions needed to take the photos from angles that others don't consider.  My emotional body has deep experience in seeing human condition and natural beauty, and then capture that in the picture.

Because of that I enjoy offering others a glimpse of a different perspective, a chance to connect emotionally and the opportunity to expand themselves spiritually by simply seeing the beauty that exists around them everyday.

Life happens.  I don't get in the way of it.  I just honor it by taking a picture of it when it happens.